Yes. You either don't know how to read your own studies - I read three of them. They all concluded it's harmful to adults. CAn you find one for me that demonstrates it is not harmful to children? I'd be happy to change my position if that were true. I'm sure Phillip Morris would like that too, since their official comment on the matter agrees with mine, not yours. Not yours - comprende?
I don't want tobacco taxed, outlawed, or banned in private establishments like bars.
When I see those who can't defend themselves being abused - whether their Chinese christians, the unborn, the elderly, children, or even the occasional evil white male, yeah, I do 'care.'
And apparently you don't know how to read a study. Either that or you don't believe that "Relative Risk" (RR) means anything.
I'm not sure which.
We're at the point of saying the same things to each other again and again and I don't think either of us will convince the other on this subject.
If you would like to continue this discussion we can but I don't see any point to it.
If you'd like to read my final say on this, here it is.
Is it a good idea to smoke around children? Probably not.
Not because there's danger from ETS but because there is danger from first hand smoking and it sets an example that children probably shouldn't have.