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To: Eric Blair 2084
Didn't read it - so don't worry. I just sort of stopped at the beginning where you talk about a conspiracy theory. I oppose tobacco taxes, I oppose laws outlawing smoking in public establishments (though not 'in public spaces'), and I oppose making it illegal to smoke.

I *know* that it has ill effects because I personally experience them and they are severe.

Everything you are posting on this is just fluff. Even the WashPost article ignores studies that are totally valid: non-smokers who are married to smokers and comparing their incidence of cancer to those who were not married to smokers. It's pretty straight-forward.

It's pretty assinine to not think that being in a car with windows up and a young child present with a smoker doesn't have a diliterous effect. We don't let 7 year olds smoke cigarettes first person and there isn't much difference in terms of carcinogens for 2nd hand smokers.

Further, the studies I cited are totally valid and demonstrate a strong relationship between smokers and nonsmokers.

204 posted on 08/17/2007 5:16:01 PM PDT by mbraynard (FDT: Less Leadership Experience than any president in US history)
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To: mbraynard
Further, the studies I cited are totally valid and demonstrate a strong relationship between smokers and nonsmokers.

And further, approximately 80% of the studies I cited demonstrate very little, if any, relationship between ETS, nonsmokers, and cancer.

Just what is it that has you so het up?
Do you really care that much for, "the children"? Not mocking, asking a serious question.

There is more danger from letting your children grow up and form their own opinion than danger to them from ETS.

206 posted on 08/17/2007 5:21:13 PM PDT by Just another Joe (Warning: FReeping can be addictive and helpful to your mental health)
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