First of all you didn't form the answer in the form of a question. Second of all, you are totally wrong. You are a complete and total loser. You didn't win a lifetime supply of rice a roni or a copy of our home game.
The correct answer is "Why don't you understand that this is my f^$^ing car, my f&*(ing house, I pay the bills in this m&#@!@#f&*()$, and if you don't like it, you can get the f*&^ out! It's my property, I make the rules and I say no smoking."
You expect the state to protect your property but not your children?
Hey there. You have an ally. His name is Larry Scott Tatum. Today, he was charged with child abuse and is now waiting for someone to bail him out. He's in Arizona, so if you are in that state you can visit him and talk about being able to do whatever you want in your house.
According to the police report, the victim had a "right eye was red and swollen and was in the early stages of a black eye. He additionally reportedly had a large bruise consistent with a choke or a grab on the side of his neck and another bruise on the left side of his chest....One witness reportedly told police that Tatums live-in girlfriend said that he had gone off. "
How dare anyone question your right or Tatum's right to do whatever you want in your own $#$#@@&^& house!