To: Doe Eyes
Would you be opposed to the government "going after your favorite demon" by passing a law that made it illegal to expose children to Marijuana smoke?
Expose them how? You mean smoking it in a house where children are present? No, I probably wouldn't support the passage of a law that barred consumption of marijuana from houses where children lived.
But since you have decided to use "for the children" examples to pad your argument with emotion, I'd like to ask you a question : what is the number one cause of death for children?
To: mysterio
Abortion followed by car accidents caused by adults trying to light their smokes?
199 posted on
08/17/2007 4:57:16 PM PDT by
To: mysterio
But since you have decided to use "for the children" examples to pad your argument with emotionIsn't this thread about smoking in car with children present? is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson