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To: takenoprisoner

Your child’s health reduced to a coin flip like gamble? The odds for most kids is to not have any lasting effect but sometimes it does.

Do you feel lucky?

196 posted on 08/17/2007 4:46:42 PM PDT by Raycpa
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To: Raycpa

Your child’s health reduced to a coin flip like gamble? The odds for most kids is to not have any lasting effect but sometimes it does.

Do you feel lucky?

My children are grown. So yes, I feel “lucky” and very thankful.

Meantime, there is no such “luck” in genetics. How many times have we all heard, “you can’t beat genetics?” If genetics are not a factor, then why does nearly every medical form required at the doctor’s office ask about your family history? Is there a history of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc etc?

For the medically challenged, it’s a questionaire regarding your genetics. Genetics play a major role in your prognoseses.

yet another conundrum

203 posted on 08/17/2007 5:15:59 PM PDT by takenoprisoner (Forfeiture of liberty for dubious security undermines our credibility as a free nation.)
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To: Raycpa
The odds for most kids is to not have any lasting effects...


...but sometimes it does.

I assume in both instances you are talking about kids exposed to second hand smoke from their parents' smoking in cars. None of the studies on second-hand smoke exposure have considered lasting effects of parental smoking on kids who grow up to be non-smokers. It seems that all the second-hand smoke studies have dealt with (a) non-smoking mature adult spouses (generally wives) of long-time smokers or (b) older adults who worked in a smoky workplace for considerable periods of time.

In short, the matter of long-term health effects on adult children whose parents smoked in cars with them when they were kids has never been studied! For this New York City Dummycrat Counciljerk to even propose fining people for doing something that has not been shown to cause long-term injury to those whom they are allegedly trying to protect (their own children) is the height of nanny-state audacity! (If the subtrefuge of protecting the children is removed, the real motive for the proposal is to collect fine revenue for a city that already taxes the crap out of its citizens.) Americans have an historical right to be left alone by government, provided they are not causing serious injury to others. That's what Justice Louis Brandeis said in the 1920s Olmstead case. The problem is that these lefty politicos in places like New York don't think that they are part of America - until it comes time for federal government handouts, that is.

259 posted on 08/17/2007 8:11:31 PM PDT by justiceseeker93
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