He went on, and I'll add a couple more ..
(THIS folks, is precious)
Juanita Broderick
Paula Jones
The Marine(s) staioned at the steps of the Presidential helicopter
All military stationed in the White house ...
Monica Lewinski
Hillary’s ass is invisible to her.
it was a killer reply...
Hillary’s political enemies are NOT invisible to her. She knows what their kids’ names are and what they wore to school, she knows that their pet cat is missing and presumed dead, she knows that their tires were slashed by some vandal...
Let’s see:
1) Juanita Broderick
2) Paula Jones
3) The Marine(s) staioned at the steps of the Presidential helicopter
4) All military stationed in the White house ...
5) Monica Lewinski
6) The Travel-Gate people who’s lives were ruined by her
7) Vince Foster
8) The almost 1000 people whose FBI files were stolen
9) The taxpayers from whom she stole over $100,000 of government-owned property when she left the White House.
10) Katherine Wiley
11) The workers in the White House who were not allowed to catch her gaze when she walked by.
12) The 3,300 babies slaughtered in abortion clinics every day of the week
I have heard said that the time is right for a woman to be elected POTUS...now if the democrats would just have one running(other than Edwards).
I WANT to be as invisible to my government, especially at tax time. Hillary must be shooting for a different type of person. I think its’ the segment called the “gimme crowd.”
Hillary Clinton said in 1993, "We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society.
...the father of the “single” mom’s baby. Maybe he’s standing behind me and all the other taxpayers funding his fun.
(last time I checked, it still takes two...)
Her image in a mirror!
Americans who cannot afford to pay more taxes.