It's worse than that Newt. The feds aren't even half trying to enforce immigration law, in fact they ignore most illegals even when local LE reports them. The judiciary is even worse yet, when an illegal is arrested and goes to court he/she is almost always released back into the multimillion person pool of illegals living here as free as the birds.
We may as well repeal all immigration laws and just admit that the big corporations, construction companies, and agricultural interests run the country through their well paid off Senators and representatives.
All it would take to get the great majority of illegals back to Mexico and Latin America would be to enforce the laws against hiring illegal immigrants. If there are no jobs for them here they won't stay here. But that will happen about the same time that pigs learn to fly.
Talented guy...not only makes himself authoritative, but can make himself plural. Turns himself into what next?
Good Lord, did everyone go on a bender this evening? Newt is right on target and the best many posters can do is trash him and leave the issue of illegals killing U.S. Citizens on the table.
Absolutely disgusting folks. Wake the hell up!