I’m a Muslim. We believe that Jesus is God’s prophet and he’s dear to us like Mohammed is. We believe that there’s only one creator and he/she is God (Allah). Jesus is a human being, but he is a miracle of God (Allah). Muslims believe that there’s only one creator (namely God or Allah) and one religion. Mohammed completed Jesus’s duty. The holy book was defected by some people and remember, there were hundreds of versions of bible and in Iznik council, they could decide to accept 4 of them. Bible was defected... Now, Jesus is a miracle himself and non-defected holy book, Qur’an is a miracle of God, too. Jesus and Mohammed don’t contradict, they complement each other, like the other prophets who were sent before... In real bible, the news about Mohammed was written. Jews knew this, too... That’s what we believe... God is the English name and Allah is the Arabic name, Tanri is the Turkish name of the only one Creator, that’s all. I can call whichever you want, but Jesus is the prophet of God who is a human being like we are, like Mohammed is... I cannot say Jesus is God. Also, Islam is not a religion of violance. I just wanted to say this, because westerners are being cheated about Islamic belief. We’re not enemies, in Qur’an, it is said that “ones who believe only one God, and who work for peace and goodness will be in heaven forever”. It doesn’t matter if he/she calls himself/herself as a Jew, Christian or Muslim.
Jesus is the Son of God.
The Holy Bible is the perfected Word of God.
When Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose again, his “duty” was completed.
Welcome to the forum. What country are you in?
Islam is not the religion of violence? Then why do they kill in the name of Allah? Jesus says to love your enemies, Mohammed doesn’t say that.
Quran 8:12 I shall terrorize the infidels.
So wound their bodies and incapacitate them
because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.
Quran 8:57 If you gain mastery over them in battle,
inflict such a defeat as would terrorize them,
so that they would learn a lesson and be warned.
This contradicts your claims of “peace”.
So no, Jesus and Mohammed have nothing to do with one another. Jesus is divine, the son of God who came to save us from our sins. He says so Himself. And no, the Bible is not “defected”, it is the word of God.
If Islam is peacefull, and if we in the west are being “cheated about Islamic belief”, then perhaps you need to explain it to your brothers who kill innocent women and children, hide weapons in Mosques, enslave or kill Christians in Africa, car bomb market places, kidnap aid workers and journalists, export weapons, stone and mutalate women, target our priests and nuns, riot in European cities, and fly planes full of innocent people into buildings, bomb embassies and hotels, and force-convert people.
Other than that, yeah, your religion is “peaceful”.
Welcome to Free Republic.
I am not going to get into all the manuscript evidence and historical evidence apart from the Bible that refutes your claims about the Holy Bible, but I do want to just take a minute to explain just a little about what Christians believe.
As a Christian, I must point out an important distinction between the Muslim Jesus and Christ Jesus, Son of God by explaining WHO Jesus is.
Jesus was not just a prophet, He was and is and is to come. He is God incarnate. Fully man and Fully God. He came on earth to save us from our sin. Because he LOVES us and desires a relationship with us.
You see, my God requires NOTHING from me, apart from Faith. There are no rituals I must exercise, no prayers I must memorize, I just must fully place my trust in Him. I am assured, with Him as my Lord and Savior, that I will be with Him in Heaven.
He makes this promise. His Grace is sufficient.
He has done all the work. It is all about what He did for me. He, and he alone. There are no co-redeemers. That is why in His last breath on the cross, He declared, “It is finished.” There is nothing else that could perfect His work on the cross. It is finished. Additionally, there is nothing I can do or say that would make Him forsake me—He amazingly promises that once I became His, noone can take me from His hand. NO ONE or THING.
If He is not God, He would not have any power to forgive my sin, much less take on the sin of the world. His death would be in vain. It would be for absolutely nothing. The only one who could make that kind of promise would be God, Himself. And if Jesus didn’t die for me, then I have no hope.
You see God is perfect and holy and righteous, and it is the height of arrogance to think that I could please Him with my own works. The Bible says that our “works” are like filthy rags. We cannot earn our way to Heaven. We cannot even try. That’s why Jesus did the work for us. In His resurrection, He conquered death. Death has no power over the Christian. We are assured eternity with the King of kings and Lord of lords.
It is complete. His grace is sufficient. And to that I say, Hallelujah! To God be the glory!
rain, you will be in my prayers.
I am cuurious about the use of the word "tehnri". (I actually fugot that Oghuzz Turks use this pronounciation, rather than the Northern and Eastern pronounciation, "Tengri".) Do you use the common Turkish for every day use, and stand by the Arabic "Allah" for ceremonial?