Maybe this will change when Fred actually gets into the race, but while Fred is avoiding pressure situations, Mitt is handling them reasonably well.
I like Fred more than Rudy McRomney, but none of them come close to Duncan Hunter.
DUNCAN HUNTER actually had a fence built which stopped drug trafficking and crime in San Diego, and HUNTER authored the bill for a fence from California thru Texas, which was signed into law, and HUNTER got us ABS deployed in Alaska, and HUNTER built up the defense that Bill Clinton tore down, and got equipment and weapons to protect our troops, and our country, when he Chaired the House Armed Services Committee (when the Republicans had the majority), and HUNTER went to Iraq FIVE times, and HUNTER did some tough fighting duty in Nam and won a medal, and HUNTER has a son who did two tours in Iraq, including Fallujah, and is now doing a 3rd tour in Afghanistan, so HUNTER has a lot a stake personally, as well.
Thats just a little bit of what HUNTER has DONE, while the other candidates talk or write articles.