Anyone making such a statement is so depraved, they no longer have the mental or moral capacity to understand that this type of special interest group forum (and in this case a particularly dreadful and disgusting one) is one of extreme partisanship.
“they no longer have the mental or moral capacity to understand that this type of special interest group forum (and in this case a particularly dreadful and disgusting one) is one of extreme partisanship.”
What do you think is the reason that the Democrats are doing this? What is there motivation and what do they hope to gain?
On another note, I saw Hillary, she didn’t look too comfortable. Melissa E., the rock star sounded like she was really unhappy with Hillary. Even though I disagree with Melissa and her lifestyle, I thought, she’s proof not all gay people are bad. She actually had the courage to confront Hillary’s phoniness. I don’t have a problem with people being misguided, what I really have a problem with is people with an agenda who are dishonest and and willing to gain power by hook or crook.