Never could smoke them Camel Lights. Too light. I liked Camel Filters. Mmmm. Turkish and American blend. I smoked for 10 years, and I quit 10 years ago. Quitting isn’t super easy, but it doesn’t take any skill, just will. You simply have to want to quit badly enough that you’ll put up with the temporary hassle and discomfort that comes with quitting. For me, after a couple of months, I was home free. But to a heavy smoker, a month feels like a century if you can’t have a smoke. I am very glad I quit, and I don’t miss it at all. Especially with today’s cig prices. Insane.
$6:15 a pack yesterday
Mmmm, Camels :)
When the taxes were hiked 10 yrs ago or so, I switched to “Screamin’ Eagles”. Now I buy tubes and loose tobacco. I almost was able to quit, and I’m aiming to do that. Congratulations to you on leaving a bad habit :)
As for the topic of this thread, I will vote for anyone against Hillary. Whoever is running against her gets my vote. I prefer Duncan Hunter or Tom Tancredo.