So the old lady is sucking off my packeck and bitches about it? Can’t eed ‘em, don’t breed ‘em.
I have 4 kids and rarely spend $500 a month for groceries. And i work for a living!
I spend $300 to $400 a week on groceries, but then again I pay for it....
Exactly. I have 2 kids, I'm a SAHM and my husband owns his own business. I have worked hard to learn how to match grocery sales with coupons and now am spending at most about $200 for groceries, and another $50 or so on other essentials (TP, paper towels, toiletries, household items, etc). And my pantry is overflowing. I'm so sick of these sympathy ploys by the MSM - whether it's for the "poor and oppressed" or for the "illegals that are just trying to make a living and not get deported" - give me a break.