Wow, that is just ridiculous. There is no contradiction between Christianity and whatever method God chose to bring about creation.
Not true. There is one glaring, irreconcilable contradiction:
What did Adam and Eve bring into the world?
What has to happen for natural selection to work on any real scale?
The answer to both questions is the same: Death.
Even if a Christain believes that the first three chapters of Genesis are a fable/poem/allegory (Jesus didn't, but if you want to argue with Him that's your business) it's an essential Christian doctrine that death came into the world as a result of human separation from God, and that Christ's sacrifice was the cure for this. It's also an essential component of evolutionism that billions of inferior critters had to die in order to bring forth the guy who sat down and wrote Genesis 1-3. Well, they can't both be right.
Like I said, glaring and irreconcilable.