I owned both those car models used in that movie.
For the movie, the Mustang had to be beefed up, the Charger was stock. I had fun with those cars but the Charger was superior.
For the movie, the Mustang had to be beefed up, the Charger was stock. I had fun with those cars but the Charger was superior.
There were multiple Mustangs used in Bullit ,, the close up shots and putting around scenes were small block while the highway chase was FE big block powered... as good as those cars were a new Mustang GT or Hemi Charger would easily run away and hide from them...
The Cannonball was cool but when it was canceled after 5 runs (every other year) it was replaced by the “US Express” ... the Express beat the cannonballs best time by almost 4 hours... heres the trailer for the US Express movie.. I love the quote “the risk reward ratio was getting out of hand...”