I’d not want my dog that just swam through sewage to get the bird I shot to give me sloppy kisses either. (Just lightening up a bit).
But, I wasn’t saying that the traditional pets (dogs/cats) are undesirable. I was pointing out that snakes as a pet can be very easy to keep. Just as there are many beautiful colors in cats, snakes are almost literally living jewels with all the different colors.
The scale of the fear or dislike of reptiles in general and snakes in particular is most certainly based exclusively on ignorance of the animal. Oh, and snakes definitely CAN help you pick up chicks. I’ve had Ducky, my Yellow Anaconda in the office of my company several times and the women in the other offices always want to check him out. Seems counter-intuitive, but hey, results speak for themselves.
I suppose there is a subset of women attracted to the mystery of an exotic snake. I'm not sure they would be my type, though.