To: Poser
Could Shep Smith be any dumber.His coverage is pathetic, isn't it?
437 posted on
08/01/2007 5:25:02 PM PDT by
(I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance - Socrates)
To: Inquisitive1
that’s why I can’t watch Fox , except for Brit , and only a few other things , sheeeesh!
461 posted on
08/01/2007 5:27:25 PM PDT by
Dad yer funny
(FoxNews is morphing , and not for the better ,... internal struggle? Its hard to watch)
To: Inquisitive1
“His coverage is pathetic, isn’t it?”
468 posted on
08/01/2007 5:27:56 PM PDT by
(Republicans believe every day is July 4th, but Democrats believe every day is April 15th. - Reagan)
To: Inquisitive1
Shep is terrible. “Appears bridge wasn’t put back together properly.” WTF!?! Who says something like that? is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson