He was in a hurry and was careless, reckless and defamatory; not a good combination.
"I hate blacks" for example was an Asian paper's "I Hate Blacks" column. Also, I found two others; to wit, "The reason is not that I hate blacks. . . ." and "...his name used to be 'I hate blacks, Jews and Sp***', now he is a loving member of the Democrat party!"
I emailed the above to the O'Reilly site yesterday and told him the "I hate blacks" didn't pass the test. Could he post his links? I asked.
Just now I searched for two strings to find FR threads: "I hate blacks" "BOX 9771"
the hits are up to 83 the increase is of course due to today's threads.
So, using O'Whirling Dervish's criteria I found that Fox News reeks of racist hate talk. I was just shocked. I don't have a TV. I've never seen Fox News. It's just not right that they get away with that bigotry.