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O'Reilly Factor Provides Free Republic Offending Comments Links
Tuesday, August 1, 2007
| Kristinn
Posted on 08/01/2007 4:09:49 PM PDT by kristinn
Edited on 08/01/2007 4:30:51 PM PDT by Admin Moderator.
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To: Admin Moderator; kristinn; Jim Robinson
I agree fully with the comments of the Admin Moderator in #114 to which I reply.
- The fatuous "hate blacks" claim is flat-out outrageous. Full stop.
- Anyone who is actually so culturally illiterate as to not know the meaning of "dog in the manger" needs to carefully avoid publicly speaking or writing anything further until they go back to school and learn what everyone in my public school was taught. Absurd.
- And the scenario in which Senator Clinton is president for eight years and finally dies accidentally and in the bosom of her most ardent supporters is not remotely a threat.
O'Reilly's suggestion that FR requires "professional moderation" is a direct attack on the freedom of we-the-people to discuss politics, and neither more nor less. But as the case of O'Reilly's "hate blacks" fraud shows, improving FR's moderation is not at all the point. I can't imagine Free Republic remaining Free Republic if the moderators were to undertake to routinely censor things as tepid as that.
Is it, or is it not, true that FR successfully brought this exact issue to court against a local California governmental agency which presumed to call FR a "hate site?" I would think that if that is correct, a letter to that effect from FR to O'Reilly, mildly asking for an apology, would be in order. Such a letter might begin by noting that Mark Twain used to lump incongruous things together for humorous effect, but that if lumping FR in with Daily Kos was an attempt at humor it was perhaps the lamest joke since Bill Clinton promised an ethical administration.
If O'Reilly were to persist in that absurd "hate site" characterization, FR would ultimately be forced to sue. If so, it should ask only for its legal costs - and for advertising time to point out that FreeRepublic is edited for a conservative audience, including families with children, and children sometimes participate. FR therefore discourages the posting of even mild profanity, let alone things which are truly offensive. It is an adult - not an adolescent but an adult - site.
posted on
08/02/2007 5:03:27 AM PDT
(The idea around which liberalism coheres is that NOTHING actually matters except PR.)
To: silentknight
Standards? What standards. You have got to be kidding me. I post on here from time to time but I find a large number of people to be extremely hateful. Obscene comments that should never be made are made in almost every thread. There are a lot of people that post on Free Republic that are either sick in the head or post disgusting comments because they figure nobody will ever know who they are. Sorry but Free Republic is full of disgusting comments. The mods may do a good job at keeping trolls out but they should dont care what a lot of the regular posts say. IF Free Republic was the only view of the Republican party that I ever got then I would think Republicans were the most hate filled group out there.
It isnt everyone, of course, but there are a large number of people on here that should keep their mouth shut most of the time. That will never happen though.
Where's the B.S. meter? You sound like O’Reilly here. Got any documentation to back up your accusations?
posted on
08/02/2007 5:07:23 AM PDT
To: SteveMcKing
“Most extreme posts are probably trolls anyway.”
Yes, I think so...wouldn’t surprise me if DU came on just to cause trouble!
To: Syncro
Re post 198 - DBM is Drive By Media, phrase coined by Rush L
To: BillF
OOPS, thanks for correcting me.
posted on
08/02/2007 5:27:41 AM PDT
To: SteveMcKing
I remember at an NRA rally in NJ back in the early 90’s there was some nutcase dressed up as Uncle Same handing out bumper stickers with a picture of a bullet and Florio’s name next to it.
I asked someone who the heck the nutcase was. Someone told me that he was a well known anti-gunner and he came to these rallies to make 2nd Amendment supporters look bad.
1. The overwhelming majority of comments on FR are not offensive.
2. To be fair, BOR, go to DU and check some of their posts. Remember the high-five celebrations they were throwing when President Reagan passed away? 3. This country has not seen the kind of political hatred that we have suffered since 2000 since the Civil War. The Left in this country, abetted by their allies in the MSM, are the hate mongers. They are peddling hate for one reason: to win political power. If we have "hate" it is reactionary and aimed at their hatred.
To use their term, this is a “non-event.”
posted on
08/02/2007 5:27:54 AM PDT
Ghost of Philip Marlowe
(Liberals are blind. They are the dupes of Leftists who know exactly what they're doing.)
To: Admin Moderator
Forget the apology. Let’s think about a slander suit.
posted on
08/02/2007 5:29:29 AM PDT
Ghost of Philip Marlowe
(Liberals are blind. They are the dupes of Leftists who know exactly what they're doing.)
To: kristinn
Great job, kristinn on the Mr. Bill show.....
although Bill was rude doing the interview.
I thought you did well considering......
I agree with an earlier poster
this was and is a no win situation
once we made it into the media's kitchen
the heat is turned up
(and we are in their kitchen) in my humble opinion
I should add, I am not surprised.
posted on
08/02/2007 5:30:01 AM PDT
From One - Many
(Trust the Old Media At Your Own Risk)
To: unspun
posted on
08/02/2007 5:34:15 AM PDT
To: Petronski
Petronski wrote:
Nothing personal, but I would ban the stray bullet poster.
Courtesy comment:
Yep, just a tad out of place.
More like a comment one would expect to see on the airhead blogs.
posted on
08/02/2007 5:35:32 AM PDT
(Kalifornia, a red state wannabe. I don't take Ex Lax I just read the New York Times.)
To: kristinn
BOR’s ego could fill the Grand Canyon ten times over.
The man truly thinks he is singlehandedly saving civilization.
He’s the ultimate bloviating bore.
posted on
08/02/2007 5:35:52 AM PDT
Travis McGee
(--- ---)
To: kristinn
Thanks again for your work, kristinn.
posted on
08/02/2007 5:37:30 AM PDT
To: kristinn
Hey, I’ve witnessed/heard many people on O’Reilly’s show make hateful comments. Therefore, O’Reilly is a hate monger.
posted on
08/02/2007 5:39:29 AM PDT
william clark
(DH4WH08 - Ecclesiastes 10:2)
To: kristinn
Out of probably three million postings since the site started, they found four?
When Bill gets up to three billion segments archived, I will give you four of his that some might find offensive.
This is a political and cultural discussion forum with all sorts of comments being posted in real time, extemporaneously.
posted on
08/02/2007 5:40:14 AM PDT
KC Burke
(Men of intemperate minds can never be free...their passions forge their fetters.)
To: rhombus
As a matter of fact, I remember the word A$$wipe used a few times on some people who got booted
And rightly so. I submit that BOR is equally deserving of it. He's revealed himself as a media con man, he stands for nothing except whatever will get him ratings and he hides behind that same 'bipartisanship' skirt that we see the 'Rats and RINOS using in Congress
Bill O'Reilly = Dan Rather, i.e., 'birdbrains of a feather, lie together'
posted on
08/02/2007 5:41:49 AM PDT
(Jan 20, 2009 - "We Don't Know. Where Rudy Went. Just Glad He's Not. The President. Burma Shave.")
To: shalom aleichem; Syncro; All
Re post 198 - DBM is Drive By Media, phrase coined by Rush L
Let's not forget that Rush royally kicked O'Reilly's ass six ways from Sunday when BOR thought he was going to expand his sputterrama into radio, deluding himself into thinking he could carve up Rush's audience share.
Kinda like one little suckerfish trying to eat a great white shark. Oh Bill?
Bon appetit' you dolt.
posted on
08/02/2007 5:46:19 AM PDT
(Jan 20, 2009 - "We Don't Know. Where Rudy Went. Just Glad He's Not. The President. Burma Shave.")
To: CT
Glenn Beck comes on an hour later, and is FAR better than BORF.
courtesy comment:
You got that right.
Beck is right now better than a lot of the talk hosts that have suddenly gotten that Ole Time Pompous Arrogant Religion.
It really does cause me some heartburn for guys like O’Really to tell me what guidelines I must follow to say certain things on any forum.
If Bill wants bad comments he needs to go to some of the forums for residency doctors from foreign countries.
Forums that allow Muslim doctors from Pakistani, Indian, Syrian other foreign nationals using four letter words to call our country, it’s citizens and our evil way of life inferior in many ways.
FR is tame compared to the ones in the medical community.
posted on
08/02/2007 5:48:49 AM PDT
(Kalifornia, a red state wannabe. I don't take Ex Lax I just read the New York Times.)
To: kristinn
I don’t watch O’Reilly. Hope you called him to task for misrepresenting Free Republic and demanded an apology.
posted on
08/02/2007 5:50:15 AM PDT
(Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.)
To: kristinn
Are you asking to go back on O'Reilly and basically get an apology?
posted on
08/02/2007 5:51:06 AM PDT
("Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him." Jeremiah 17:7)
To: mkjessup
I heard Rush mention there were some talk radio shows that had to pay stations to air their program. He didn’t mention whose shows that could be, of course.
Was BOR one of them?
posted on
08/02/2007 5:56:26 AM PDT
(Duncan Hunter is the best hope we have on both fronts.)
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