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To: givemELL

Additional comment on Dollar: The Canadian dollar is very close to our dollar now, and it must be so if there is to be the new currence, the ‘Amero’ a search on ‘amero currency’, and do a search on for ‘amero currency’. Here is an article on the relationship to our ecomomy of the ‘petrodollar’ and its relationship to Iran, Russia, etc., ...November 23
US dollar’s reign is coming to an end - America’s economy is on the brink
It is not such a well-known fact, apart from in this blog, that the entire US economy is based upon the strength of the US petrodollar. This is so because unless the US dollar is backed by the fact that nearly all oil and gas sales are denominated in that currency, it is nothing more than “fiat” currency, a worthless piece of paper.

Up to recent times, the USA has managed to either convince or coerce OPEC oil producers to only trade their oil for US dollars on the two exchanges the USA controls, NYMEX and IPE, thus forcing many nations to acquire vast holdings of this currency so that they could purchase oil. To get US dollars, those nations have to sell goods to the USA, which pays for them by printing their pieces of paper. The USA also acquires its oil by printing those same pieces of paper, so In other words, the USA is literally getting a free lunch at the expense of the rest of the world.

The bad news for the USA is that this appears to be coming slowly to an end. While the global trade in oil and gas has operated mainly on an ad-hoc supply and demand basis, the energy needs of developing nations such as China and India seek guaranteed supplies of oil and gas and are prepared to enter into long-term contracts, rather than just rely on buying energy supplies when they need them.

This means that oil and gas producers will reserve a certain amount of energy supplies for their contract clients, thus removing these supplies from the global pool. On top of that, there is no reason why those energy suppliers should trade these supplies through NYMEX and IPE, as they can deal with each other directly in the most appropriate currency.

This is sending shockwaves through the USA right now, as China, currently holding over 1 trillion dollars in US debt, is moving away from the US dollar. The new Shanghai Petroleum Exchange settles transactions in Yuan. Russia’s new St Petersburg Exchange is coming online in 2007 will settle transactions in Roubles, whereupon all Russian energy products will be shifted out of NYMEX to the new Russian exchange.

Therefore all nations that purchase oil from Russia, which is the world’s biggest energy supplier, will have to do it in the Russian currency, therefore they will have no need to hold US dollars any more. If China buys its oil from Russia and Iran, China can literally dump the massive amount of US dollars it now holds and demand that the USA redeems them.

This will probably be a slow process, as a sudden dumping of the US dollar will make it totally worthless and the nations holding those dollars will lose far more than if they just trickled their US dollar holdings on to the currency exchange markets. However, these nations will do this at the detriment of the US economy, which will watch the slow erosion of US currency and possibly the eventual collapse of the US economy, as rampant inflation strikes.

Furthermore, the fact that the West’s oil majors have lost control of all but 9% or 10% of reserves means that state-controlled oil companies can reroute any amount of product they wish from NYMEX to any of the new exchanges. This will provide a more than sufficient supply to guarantee the success of the new exchanges, and the USA can do nothing to stop it.

As this happens, the prospect of a targeted embargo of the West is revived. Producers will be able to restrict the amount of oil they sell on NYMEX and IPE, or cease selling there altogether, because they will have viable, even preferred, alternative exchanges. That will seriously endanger the amount of supplies accessible to the West and will radically drive up the price of oil on the dollar-denominated exchanges. But because all of the new and planned exchanges will have their own non-dollar pricing mechanisms, the undesirable price volatility will tend to be confined to the dollar-denominated exchanges.

What happens to the US dollar as the new exchanges become operational and begin to be successful? The exit from the dollar as the international currency will have begun in earnest. But that exit will not be to one currency, but simultaneously to the several currencies that are the denomination currencies of all the successful new oil and gas market exchanges.

The dollar will begin to weaken as its international support and devotion wanes, or even sinks. As the dollar weakens, the price in dollars for everything the USA imports will skyrocket, adding a powerful inflationary hit to the US economy. Along with the impending US recession, that will further weaken the dollar and likely its decline, or outright collapse, will feed on itself.

As the dollar weakens and energy price volatility increases on NYMEX and IPE, producers will have further powerful incentive to switch their product offering to the non-dollar-denominated exchanges, where there will be greater stability and where they will not be forced to take payment for their products in the increasingly undesirable weakened dollar.
The profound risks to the West as respects its ability then to secure access to sufficient energy resources should be self-evident. Left with a severely shrunken dollar-denominated pool of oil and gas, a pool that virtually only the West draws from, the viability of a potential targeted embargo will have increased exponentially.

The globe’s producers will be fully able to “throttle” the economies of the West by virtue of controlling how much of their oil and gas they sell into the dollar-denominated pool. This represents the nightmare scenario for the USA. Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of this analysis is the fact that it is not based on any hypothetical conspiracy theory, but rather on solid economic and market principles and the increasingly ominous warnings of experts and informed leaders.

Additionally, the key developments that are already pushing the world order to the eventuality described here, that of a full exploitation of the West’s Achilles’ heel by Russia and its global partners leading to a loss of the US global position of economic and geopolitical dominance, are already well established.

Russia, in conceiving the new model of “international” energy security and a new global energy order, and in winning increasing numbers of key converts and adherents to its model, thereby defines and draws the circle of international energy security. Those inside the circle will achieve Russia’s definition of “energy security”, but those left outside will be left with little if any energy security by any definition.

In conclusion, the USA may now be the world’s only remaining superpower, but it can only sustain its hegemony and fund its domestic and military expenditures if it forces the rest of the world to use US petrodollars. The problem is that Russia, Iran and a few other oil producing nations will be offering their products to the world for other currencies and there is nothing much the USA can do about this except to precipitate a world war to stave of complete economic collapse.
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80 posted on 08/01/2007 6:28:59 AM PDT by givemELL (New AlQaeda tactics)
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To: givemELL

Changing topic to Soros relationship to the Dem Party, he also has strong relationships with China, World Bank thru Malloch Brown, the importation of Chery Chinese autos with Chrysler, Maurice Strong of the a search on him and look for Henry Lamb’s article...Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Soros Stealing America

What Soros wants, what he intends to do is to take power in America.

George Soros called defeating President Bush “the central focus of my life” and a “matter of life and death. More here

Soros is a terrible figure undermining the very foundation of America. His treachery looms darkly over the great American landcape. His black hand is in all things big and small. The graft, corruption inescapable. Soros has bought the Democratic Party lock, stock, and barrel thanks to John McCain’s-McCain/Feingold Finance Reform.

Soros pays off the media as journalists have been exposed on the U.N. Payroll churning out UN propaganda. Soros and Ted Turner have gone sofar as to pay for journalism prizes.
Soros is all over the UN. Mark Malloch Brown, the Deputy Secretary General, lives in a house Soros rents to him at below-market rates. In violation UN staff regulations.

Mr. Vales asked Inner City Press to hold off publishing this story. When Mr. Vales then said that no response would be possible until next week, Inner City Press decided to wait four more hours for any written responses, and then publish. Click link below Soro’s Shadow party and read it all.

George Soros is working through the UN to negotiate a treaty that will ban private ownership of firearms on a worldwide basis.

Soros Shadow party means to take America. This is a wildly alarming piece.

FP: How does Soros use his influence over the Party?

POE: The Shadow Party is always changing. New groups form and old ones dissolve. For instance, America Coming Together — which raised $135 million for Democrat get-out-the-vote drives in 2004 – has been mothballed, at least for now. The most active Shadow Party groups today are probably the Center for American Progress, America Votes, Democracy Alliance, the New Democrat Network, the New Politics Institute, ACORN and, of course,

FP:How does Soros use his influence over the Party?

POE:He uses it to push the Party leftward. He is systematically purging the Party of moderates and packing it with radicals. For instance, the Shadow Party ousted Senator Joseph Lieberman in favor of Ned Lamont, because Lieberman refused to support a “cut-and-run” policy in Iraq.

FP:Isn’t that just politics as usual, though – wealthy fat cats funding their favorite candidates?

POE: Funding ordinary candidates, be they Democrats or Republicans, would be politics as usual. Funding radical candidates who seek America’s destruction is not. Money is a tool. It can be used for good or evil. The Shadow Party is using it for evil.

FP: Does the Shadow Party really seek to destroy ?

POE: Judge for yourself. In his new book The Age of Fallibility, Soros writes, “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States” He announced in 2003 that it is necessary to “puncture the bubble of American supremacy.” Soros is working systematically to achieve that goal.

On the economic front, he is shorting the dollar in global currency markets, trying to force a devaluation. At the same time, Soros is orchestrating a nationwide movement to encourage mass immigration into the United States, and to mandate the provision of free social services to illegal immigrants. These measures alone have the potential to bankrupt the nation. However, if they fail, Soros has another program that will certainly finish the job. A long-time Soros operative named Jeffrey Sachs has been placed in charge of the United Nations Millennium Project – a global war on poverty designed to transfer wealth from rich countries to poor ones. Sachs is currently demanding that American taxpayers turn over $140 billion per year to his global welfare bureaucracy.

On the political front, Soros has poured massive funding into such groups as the ACLU, which uses lawsuits to hamstring the War on Terror. Soros also funds Amnesty International, whose US executive director has called for the arrest of President Bush as a war criminal. Another Soros-funded group, The Center for Constitutional Rights, has drawn up detailed articles of impeachment against the President.

FP: Why don’t more Americans know that Soros is pushing these destructive policies?

Poe: The Shadow Party operates through deception. It uses the Democratic Party as camouflage. By posing as ordinary Democrats, Shadow Party candidates trick mainstream voters into supporting them. Their true agenda remains concealed. As Soros writes in The Age of Fallibility, “[T]he Democratic Party does not stand for the policies that I advocate; indeed, if it did, it could not be elected.”

The fact is, Soros aspires to establish a neo-socialist order in America. In the Atlantic Monthly of February 1997, he wrote, “The main enemy of the open society, I believe, is no longer the communist but the capitalist threat.”

FP: Tell me about Soros’ efforts to rewrite the U.S. Constitution.

POE: Mr. Soros advocates deep structural change in our system of government. In April 2005, Yale hosted an event called, “The Constitution in 2020”, whose stated goal was to formulate “a progressive vision of what the Constitution ought to be.” Of the event’s five institutional sponsors, one was Soros’ flagship foundation The Open Society Institute, and two others were Soros-funded Shadow Party groups; the Center for American Progress and the American Constitution Society. We nicknamed that event the Shadow Constitutional Convention.

FP: What parts of our Constitution does Soros want to change?

Poe: He appears to have a special animus against the Bill of Rights. Take freedom of worship, for instance. Soros seems to favor some sort of religious apartheid, with fundamentalist Christians banished to a socio-political Bantustan. For example, in a New Yorker interview of October 18, 2004, he said of President Bush, “The separation of church and state, the bedrock of our democracy, is clearly undermined by having a born-again President.”

Then there’s the Second Amendment. Soros has provided massive funding to anti-gun groups and anti-gun litigators. The unprecedented assault on gun rights during the 1990s was largely bankrolled by Soros.

FP: You and David Horowitz have also accused Soros of promoting political censorship in America

POE: Most Americans do not realize that the McCain-Feingold Act of 2002 was a Trojan Horse. Its stated purpose was to reform campaign finance law. Its actual effect is to regulate political speech. McCain-Feingold Act was a Shadow Party initiative. Soros and a group of leftwing foundations spent over $140 million to get it passed.

Here’s how it works. McCain-Feingold authorizes federal election officials to decide who may or may not run political advertisements during election season, and what sorts of ads they may run. In September 2004, a federal judge expanded McCain-Feingold’s reach by ordering the FEC to begin censoring the Internet. Blogger outrage forced the FEC to back down, but McCain-Feingold remains on the books. Sooner or later, it will be enforced, to the full extent its creators envisioned. We can thank Mr. Soros for these developments.

FP: Of course, we can also thank Republican Senator John McCain, who co-sponsored the bill.

Poe: Yes, but McCain has a long history of collusion with the Shadow Party.

During the 2000 presidential campaign, Soros sponsored two so-called “Shadow Conventions,” held at the same time and in the same cities as the Republican and Democratic Conventions, in Philadelphia Los Angeles respectively. Their purpose was to promote campaign finance reform. John McCain gave the keynote speech at the Philadelphia “Soros Convention” (as columnist Robert Novak dubbed it), while Russ Feingold did so at the LA event.

McCain’s service to the Shadow Party brought him financial benefits. In 2001, McCain founded the Reform Institute for Campaign and Election Issues. The Institute’s major funders were mostly leftwing foundations. Prominent among them was George Soros’ Open Society Institute.


FP: You and David Horowitz charge that Hillary Clinton has a secret alliance with Soros.

POE: That’s right. They have to keep their alliance secret because any political coordination between them would violate federal election law. Soros’s Shadow Party is barred by law from coordinating its activities with official Democratic Party candidates, such as Hillary.

It’s a poorly-kept secret, however. At the annual Take Back America conference on June 3, 2004, Hillary gave Soros a glowing introduction, saying, “We need people like George Soros, who is fearless, and willing to step up when it counts.” More importantly, her right hand man, Harold Ickes – who served the Clinton White House as deputy chief of staff – now serves Soros as de facto CEO of the Shadow Party. Ickes plays a significant role in running Hillary’s political machine and Soros’ Shadow Party simultaneously. This is arguably illegal, but no controlling authority seems willing to intervene.

[...]One insider told a UPI reporter that the Center is “the official Hillary Clinton think tank.” Robert Dreyfuss of The Nation wrote of the Center, “It’s not completely wrong to see it as a shadow government, a kind of Clinton White House-in-exile – or a White House staff in readiness for President Hillary Clinton.” The Center for American Progress received its start-up funding from Soros and was, in fact, Soros’ brainchild.

WorldNetDaily: Clinton-Soros initiative at UN summit

83 posted on 08/01/2007 6:34:11 AM PDT by givemELL (New AlQaeda tactics)
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To: givemELL
In conclusion, the USA may now be the world’s only remaining superpower, but it can only sustain its hegemony and fund its domestic and military expenditures if it forces the rest of the world to use US petrodollars.

The US is the engine of the world's economy. If it falters, so does the rest of the world. We also have the largest ecnomy and the only one that can absorb huge amounts of capital. Moving away from the dollar is a risky propostion, especially if you invest it in Russian or Chinese currency.

The dollar will begin to weaken as its international support and devotion wanes, or even sinks. As the dollar weakens, the price in dollars for everything the USA imports will skyrocket, adding a powerful inflationary hit to the US economy. Along with the impending US recession, that will further weaken the dollar and likely its decline, or outright collapse, will feed on itself.

That becomes a two edged sword. First, the US is the world's biggest consumer. What happens to the exports of China, Inida, and the EU? Who will buy them? Second, a declining dollar makes US exports more attractive and competitive. The US economy is $11.7 trillion, about twice that of number 2 Japan. Russia's economy is $581 billion, just below Brazil and just above the Netherlands.

86 posted on 08/01/2007 6:44:47 AM PDT by kabar
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