We should all govern ourselves accordingly, indeed.
However, I have a slight tinfoil-flavored twist on this. News Corp. [Rupert Murdoch’s parent corporation of Fox News, Sky News, NY Post, etc.] is bidding for the Dow Jones Corporate entity [they own, among a few other things, The Wall Street Journal and some intellectual properties]. Any merger of the two has to be signed off by both companies’ auditors.
Any legal brief, any, needs to be disclosed. The suit itself can always be withdrawn. Bingo. You have two corps with deep pockets risking securities fraud.
Do it, Jim. Just go to the DC Circuit and file a certori (or whatever it’s called).
I don’t have a clue as to what you’re talking about, Jeff. Sorry, but it’s late and I’m done for the night.
You and JR will have to work it out amongst yourselves.