He probably only searched, or had people search for him today. If he really wants to get a good handle on the sort of comments being made around here, he should probably check in more often. If nothing else, he’ll probably end up reporting that FRepublicans has packs of rabid dogs who are eating their own. ;) LOL
man this whole thing of labeling folks haters if you don’t like them is so politically correct
just more STS......Smear To Silence.
I watched Bill tonight....i have two of his books...not too bad....a bit elementary but ok
he actually sad he was in favor of free speech but not hate speech
hey Billy Boy: Show me in the Constitution where it says hate speech ain’t free?
now Jim can monitor his site as he deems best for his objective but whether or not it’s protected Free speech is not Bill O’Reilly’s concern....who is going to determine in public speech what is hate or not?
when did this notion of hate speech start?
about the same time as political correctness.
was there hate speech at Dred Scott?
Spanish American War?
when did it start?....I’d wager 1960s or 70s
as for hateful speech....I’ve never seen what he claimed here unless it got yanked pretty quick
He needs to fess up.
Actually no, the phrased he quoted were in reference to, (used in comedy pictures to show absurdity) articles. NOT posts. Tread articles had the phrases in other words, NOT posters comments. And there were a couple of absurdity pictures posted, to point out hypocrisy. Disagreement, even in strong terms is not hate, and the redefining of the word hate to include such, is a socialist tactic. I don't hate BOR, and doubt any one else here does either. All words have meaning, vile is the most repulsive of actions or speech, and disagreement or criticism is not vile, nor is it hateful.