No that is your opinion.
Yet, if you watched the show, you will see that the CEO of FreeRepublic showed up to discuss the issue. Yet, where was the DailyKos.
No opinion on that, eh?.
My only regret was that the CEO Freeper wasn’t able to express himself. Perhaps he should have been better prepared. But Kudos for his bravery in showing up.
Didn’t know kristinn was CEO here. I’d have been pinging him on #20 bond paper if I knew. :)
Now you know why I no longer watch O’Reilly, and why he is a horse’s ass. Guests don’t speak on The O’Reilly Factor, they look into the camera while O’Reilly talks over them. The smart guest would bring signs and hold them up for the camera while O’Reilly runs off at the mouth, thus allowing the audience to understand that there is more than one side to the issue. Did you really think that O’Reilly would let kristinn talk? O’Reilly doesn’t let people talk when they agree with him.
The fact that he slammed thousands of conservatives as bigots and would not allow himself to be contradicted pretty much tells the O’Reilly tale. He’s all about ratings. If he happens to do damage to his own side, it means nothing to him.
As for the Daily Kos, did you really think anyone from there would show up on O’Reilly’s show? The best that O’Reilly will do is talk down to his guests like a frustrated parent. They’ve seen his show and they can see how he treats his own side. He won’t let them talk so why would they waste their time?