Clean and simple, on Free Republic you can find the TRUTH, faster than most any other source.
This truth is what scares people the most who are not Freepers. The heat in the kitchen is alway going to be turned up on those who type (speak) the truth. FR is the only site I visit and post to. The kitties have always been kind, but that does not mean, if I deserve it, the kitties would not ZAP me. Bill has done as he does because he has different beliefs, but because he has different beliefs does not mean he is right.
Anyhow I am probably now labeled as a hater by certain people, but I come here for the truth about many different situations and have always been impressed with the people here (I lurk more than I post). I think when people become tuned in to what is taking place in our nation, some start to fear those who are tuned in and listening and even posting; and scare those who wish to tell people what to think.
I ask not to be agreed with, but I will not be afraid to state what I think. Guess Bill should visit more often. Maybe his attitude would change.