Albany New York is becoming another Detroit, crime riddon, failed public schools etc. The ONLY reason it wemi-survives is because it is the capital of New York and gets extra funding to keep it afloat.
Attention Newt and staff: Check out this website for Brighter Choice Charter Schools in Albany.
It is a remarkable success story and charter schools should model after this. Yep, it's non-union and it actually teaches kids the 3 R's without all the left wing pap. It holds students and parents accountable.
Oh, did I mention that the results are a million times better than the teacher union plagued Albany government schools.
I am sure Newt knows it.
Newt has hit on the great strategy for 2008 elections, running against systemic corruption in government, particularly the disasters in states and large cities - which have overwhelming effect on people’s lives - habitually and almost permanently run by Democrats. A lot of people in these cities are suffering despite great economy in the nation in general. People in these cities or states don’t even know that the nation’s economy is good because they judge it by what they see, and Dems are always blaming “the evil Republicans” for their troubles, with the help of the media. What they see is the worst of US, and how good life and free healthcare in Cuba is, based on “Sicko”-type propaganda.
Newt rips off that mask and turns their attention to local and state governments.
Try this links of largest US cities and count the number of Democrat mayors, compared to Republican mayors and the state of their cities... Bloomberg just did us a favor of changing parties...
Top 50 Cities in the U.S. by Population and Rank
Top 100 Biggest Cities -