Step right up to the most unbiased opinionated news talk show hosted by Bill O'Reilly, starring Bill O'Reilly, and a host of characters that bow to the superior intellect of Billll O'Reilly. Just this night, you yourself can see Billl O'Reilly tussle and wrestle with the intellectual heavy weights of our electriconical age, and watch Bill O'Reilly pin them to the ground of Bill O'Reilly's fantastical moving background, a visual cornucopia so stunning it can give epileptics seizures without warning, unless there is a hurricane or Homeland security warning racing across the screen 24/7/365, which may or may not be a warning about the epileptic seizures that unprepared viewers of the intellect of Bill O'Reilly will encounter. Consider yourself forewarned, and step right up, right this way....