And then I want to cry for the unrewarded suffering of those that served.
Scarry Reid
Nancy Peloser
Kohn Kerry
Jihad Jane
Tokyo Rosie
Mikhail Moore
Hillaryious Clinton
Hussein Obama
Sissy Edwards
Chuckie Schumer
Ho Biden
Susan Surrender
Barbara Bozo
Diane 'not so' Feinstein
Sean 'human shield' Penn
Awec Bawin
Jeneane Gastopolo
Dim Robbins
Chuckie Rangle
Arlen Spincter
Robert KKK Byrd
Olympia Blow
Ted 'hicup' Kennedy
Allen 'skelator' Colmes
Stooney Hoyer
Kohn Conyers
Kohn Larson
Jerrold Nadless
Louise Slaughterthe2ndAmendment
Woody Harrelson (don't need to make a niuckname up whehn Woody is your first name)
Mike Ferret
Martin Sheeite
Jorge Soros
George looney
the Ditsie Twits
Dang, you were right. This list is long....
Wart Churchill
Ali Gore
Jimmy Carta
Dennis Kasinitch
Chuckie Sheen
Limpsey Graham
Coward Dean
Tom Dassholle
and a big Whoopi
Barbara Streisilly
Robert Dreadford
Bruce Springsting
I can still keep going .... And I am tired .... OK, lets just play this instead:
a song about liberals we can't stand
I apologize to the ones I missed.