I meant to send it to you. You replied and said it wasn't enforcible. It is.
More people do indeed need to be aware that signing the treaties weve signed has done a hell of lot more to put us at risk than they have to strengthen us as a nation IMO.
Yeah, it's really horrible when people can be assured that they can enforce their rights globally. I sure know that sometimes, I wish that scofflaws could flee one jurisdiction and evade responsbility for their actions so that I could pay higher prices for my goods and services.
Rule of Law? Consistent and assured enforcement? Pish--if only we could have higher transaction costs! Now THAT is where it's at.
“Yeah, it’s really horrible when people can be assured that they can enforce their rights globally.”
You support the globalist’s principles. I do not. I’m not looking to change your opinions. Opposing views are good for others to learn from.