I spent a lot of time griping about “made in China” labels-to absolutely no avail.
My computer,printer,digital camera,and at least half my software wears that label now ; mainly because that’s just about all you CAN buy in certain product lines.
OUR management people made the decisions to base their value added on slave labor, and to evade environmental regulations. So they pay a twentieth of the labor, the waste is dumped in rivers, their markups become astronomical, and the prices are STILL dirt cheap. It will be hard to wean consumers away from that, and harder still to wean stockholders away from the markups and sales volumes.
Anytime you find a bunch of low skill Americans who want to squeeze into sweatshops to make cheap products for peanuts, have at it. But as you prepare your children for college you might understand better. Maybe we should have a national draft or lottery to determine who has to do the scut work so you can continue to have this ridiculous aversion to Made in China.