I live in a great part of Wisconsin which is still conservative and appreciates family values. But I can tell you I am moving to a western state once I get my degree.
I left the Fox Valley (Neenah), but the problem is the loons in Milwaukee and Madison run the asylum.
This is insane. We also can assume that the $541.00 a month will not be paid by everyone, hence, the cost will shift much much higher for those of us that the state deems to be able to afford it.
My husband works his as* off for our health insurance. For his "wonderful" job in a hot dirty foundry, the #1 benefit is insurance. To keep the unions away (for which we are grateful) we get 100% coverage with no premium, no deductible etc. But he works for it!! I am not selfish, but the democrats in the state don't care about a financial hardship for the middle class. They only care about getting the votes from entitlement mongers.
If this actually goes through, my husband will immediately put in for a transfer to an out of state plant. Since I work at home, my job is mobile, we are getting sick of the taxes in this state. The only drawback that I can see at this time is I have a son entering his senior year in high school, and we would of course wait for him to finish out his year. But this state is done for me!!!!!