To: maica
Yeah, every time they start whining about the Iraqi Parliament, I want to ask them “And just what has the US Congress accomplished this year that justifies them taking a 6 week summer vacation EVERY year”?
32 posted on
07/22/2007 5:49:36 AM PDT by
(Ignorance can be cured by education, stupidity is a terminal condition)
To: MNJohnnie
One set or rules for them and another for the rest.
To: MNJohnnie
And just what has the US Congress accomplished this year that justifies them taking a 6 week summer vacation EVERY year?Actually, I wish they would take a six week vacation in the winter, spring, summer AND fall. The less time they spend 'on the job' in Washington--the better for us all. The less legislating they do--the less damage they do.
When you look at many of the liberal, big government 'knows best' programs, and so-called progressive/intrusive/regulatory laws that they pass, I'd much rather have LESS legislation, not more.
59 posted on
07/22/2007 6:21:04 AM PDT by
(We need a conservative candidate who will UNITE the Party, not a liberal one to DIVIDE it!) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson