Vraiment? Sho' 'nuff?
When I have to leave my gun in the car, I always disassemble it and take the guide rod and spring with me and hide the gun. I don't like doing that because I figure that every time I handle my gun I'm increasing the odds of a negligent discharge. And can you imagine the hassle if it were stolen?
Why it'd be almost as bad as being busted by the Norfolk Sheriff's Office!
And in any event, the only time I trusted the law to be there when I needed it was when I was the law (of a very diffident and minor kind), I don't care how many PPM LEOs there are in the environment.
Of the many things that turned me into a slavering gun rights nut was the news that a friend died on the 9-11 because security told him to go back to his office, everything was okay -- and he ended up with an airplane in his lap.
Since then I've kind of taken responsibility for protecting me and mine.