Unless you are trying to get into college or receive govt benefits. In that case skin color is very important.
Bingo! Just a fact, Jack.
“Unless you are trying to get into college or receive govt benefits. In that case skin color is very important.”
I couldn’t agree more. I hope, in my kids lifetime, a pill comes out that changes their race from white to black, and then back again.
College is expensive, and hard to get into, unless of course you are of a ‘minority of interest’ and trying to get into an impacted educational institution.
Were my kids black, and not whiter than white, they may have a fighting shot at a) getting in with less than a 4.0 and a 1600 SAT, and b) paying for it.
Sadly, its got to be black, because Asians aren’t getting any breaks anymore either. To colleges, Asian is majority status.