If they were so interested in feeling welcome they would not publish their stories in Spanish, they’d publish them in English. Don’t expect to get a welcome mat put out for you when you break our country’s laws and refuse to speak its language.
I believe we need to constantly monitor their internal discussions and strategy, and outsmart them every step of the way, until a massive reverse gravy train is created going southward (and elsewhere for illegals from other countries, Europe/Asia/Africa etc),
and massive numbers begin to self-deport. It all starts with a cut off of services, IMHO, then mass panic on their part. That is coming, but we have a little more work to do to make it a reality. The Hispanic press--in Spanish--quite ironically--can be an excellent and potent vehicle FOR OUR SIDE to disabuse the illegals on a mass scale of their deeply embedded, individual "entitlement mentalities" and lawbreaking attitudes, that somehow he/she will get whatever he wants just be traipsing up into our country.
There has been a literal WAVE/FLOOD of illegals coming here. We can reverse the flow into a potent WAVE/FLOOD out of the country.