/cue dramatic theme music/
Captain’s Log, Stonehenge Date: a wee’un after the third one on the right...
A few of the men have turned mutinous after only 3 hours into the tour. Apparently zero-Gs is the wrong place for “traditional” celtic wear. At first, I thought t’was me sporran they refered too, but they insisted it had more to do with where I kept me “Captain’s Log”. What’s me locker got to do withit?
I am, however, gettin a wee tired of the constant questions of how well our engines and lfie support are doing. I’m the cap’n, not the bloody engineer!
Next month, we expect to land on a planet of grazing lifestock we hope to use for their fur for textiles. (And in true captainship of any such exploring vessel, I hope to find the most beautiful of their race and have sex with it... kinda like that Kirk guy.)