SAT helps kids with low GPA get into college...can’t fake SAT scores....inflating GPAs with ‘everyone’ gets an ‘A’ for attending class....
Imagine how much power public school teachers would hold over students if college entrance were determined only by high school GPA. And, imagine how much “social engineering” liberal teachers could do with that power.
Excuse my impertinence, but you didn’t read the article did you? Murray demonstrates that reasoning as a fallacy.
I was thinking the same thing. The SAT’s are the only purely objective messurement. GPA’s can be tinkered with. Letters of recommendation can be complete fiction. It seems that the SAT’s or a standardized objectively graded national test is the only way.
Anything is better than the admissions by race system that most colleges/government agencies use - the more minority points one has the more the place wants you. Go away white guy. Your type isn't wanted here.
You hit the nail on the head. Without SATs schools would be pressured to gives an A grade all the time. Heck, they already get a lot of pressure to do so now.
an “A” at one school does NOT equal an “A” at other schools.
A “straight A” kid at a small, rural school met different standards than a “straight A” kid at some prep school.
The SAT’s are a leveling judge.