“Folks who have been here for a very long time, Miss Marple goes back as far as I do...newbie”
Your fellow camper, Laurie_d, would have called them (and you) mere “internet longevity” something or whatever....(her words; not mine). Check this thread for more information....LOL
To be honest, I don’t miss the more rabid harridans who did everythng to squelch debate on this site by pinging their comrades who then descended upon anybody who “had their feet on their necks” (do you recognize that statement?). I have a feeling that I am not in a minority with this view. Go figure, wise one.
Ahem...that would be "boot on our neck." We must be precise! :-)
Seriously, CIVIL discourse and disagreement has always been welcome on this site, to the best of my memory. Some other sites, which shall remain nameless, barely tolerate dissent.
Different strokes for different folks, I guess.