Man is full of water, too. So are the oceans. Likewise, if you chop up a man and a rock into their respective component parts eventually youll see both are made up of the same quantum particles and fields.
Some are impressed by the large scale of the cosmos, some are impressed by the small scale of the quantum.
I am impressed by the math which is the same regardless of perspective quantum to cosmos, as this interactive display of the powers of 10 illustrates.
The unreasonable effectiveness of math in the physical world gets my adrenalin flowing whether information theory, Reimannian geometry and relativity, mirror symmetries, S-dualities or other aspects of geometric physics.
For me, the "unreasonable effectiveness of math" is God's copyright notice on the cosmos.
Frankly, I don't understand what the big hubub is. Whether the difference is 1% or 7%, we're still pretty similar. Shrug.