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To: doc30
==Doesn''t say that anywhere in the article. Quit lying and fabricating falshoods. The fact is that on a gene by gene basis, the diffrence is 1%. The point of the article is that sciecne is learning that gene expression is responsible for more differences than simple genomic variances.

They have known about these differences for a long time now. Even the authors of the 1975 paper that got this whole 1% myth started admitted the following, in the words Science's Jon Cohen: "But truth be told, Wilson and King also noted that the 1% difference wasn’t the whole story. They predicted that there must be profound differences outside genes."

But that didn't stop the Church of Darwin from shifting into high gear and using this clever myth in a disingenuous attempt to further "convince" the public that humans and chimps are related via common descent. Indeed, as recently as October of 2006, Time magazine ran the following article ("What makes us different") with the following picure. The Church of Darwin is nothing but a religion preached by a pack of liars who will tell almost any lie to gain a few more converts:,9171,1541283,00.html

193 posted on 07/12/2007 4:22:54 PM PDT by GodGunsGuts
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To: GodGunsGuts; metmom

Sorry, you are wrong. If you believe that the 1% figure is incorrect, then cite a legitimate scientific reference that provides the correct genomic difference. If you do not, then it is confirmed that you are doing more Lying for the Lord, which is just more of the dishonest, sinful behavior of creationists. At least science uses more than emotional hyperbole to try to make a point. Sadly, most creationists brains are still in the evolutionary ancestor mode of human thought patterns.

202 posted on 07/13/2007 6:20:33 AM PDT by doc30 (Democrats are to morals what an Etch-A-Sketch is to Art.)
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