Oh yeah, let’s not forget ...
“Times of decision are moments of great clarity. Before I was Governor, the life issue was just that, an issue. But when responsibility for life or ending life was placed in my hands, I made the right decision. I chose life. Just like some others in the pro-life movement, a moment of decision became a defining moment. And so, every time I faced a decision as Governor that related to life, I came down on the side of life.
I fought to ban cloning. I fought to ban embryo farming. I fought to define life as beginning at conception rather than at the time of implantation. I fought for abstinence education in our schools. And I vetoed a so-called emergency contraception bill that gave young girls abortive drugs without prescription or parental consent. That is my record as Governor of Massachusetts.
Recently, I was attacked by one of my opponents because when I ran for Governor I promised to maintain the status quo with regards to laws relating to abortion in Massachusetts. Of course, I kept that promise. But in Massachusetts, that meant vetoing pro-choice legislation - as I consistently did as Governor. That’s why last month I was honored with an award from Massachusetts Citizens for Life in recognition of the actions I took as Governor to protect life. The next president, especially if faced with a hostile Congress, will be confronted with many legislative tests, such as challenging the Hyde amendment and advancing cloning. You can be sure that I will be bringing my gubernatorial experience - and my veto pen - with me to Washington. “ - Mitt Romney, June 2007
Typical string of Romney prevarications.
He still supports cloning. He just calls it "Altered Nuclear Transfer."
He still supports the destruction of human embryos for the purposes of experimentation, as long as they are "unwanted" embryos left over from fertility treatments. [And, he is still taking money from those who stand to profit financially from embryonic stem cell research.]
He proudly signed his socialized medicine RomneyCare scheme into law, even though it provides abortions.
His record is not quite as he presented it on "emergency contraception," either. What a shock.
"A new law to make emergency contraception more available in Massachusetts continues to be a political rollercoaster for Governor Mitt Romney. He supported expanded access when campaigning for governor, but vetoed a bill expanding access, earlier this year. The bill then passed over his veto. Earlier this week, the governor sought to exempt Catholic and other private hospitals from having to offer 'morning after pills' to rape victims. Then yesterday, he reversed his position." - WBUR Radio, Boston, 12/9/2005
Etc., etc., etc...