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John Mulinde of Uganda:
Prophetic Word for America

In 1995 I asked the Lord to give me a word for America and he said “I will give it to you as you go along your journey.” When I was in the UK one morning while I was praying the Lord gave me Genesis chapter 18 and chapter 19. He said “Read them and pray through them for America.” I read them. You know the story how the three angels came to Abraham. He cooked for them and ate and then they talked about the coming of Isaac and then they talked about Sodom and Gomorrah and said they were going down to see the sin because it has reached up to the Lord. And how Abraham stood before the Lord and interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah. Then chapter 19 is how Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. I said, “Lord, what exactly should I pray?” And I got no further direction.

I went to a conference organized by a preacher that I went to see in Israel. This time the conference was in Chicago. I went to Chicago and the first night I was there I tried to pray and couldn’t pray. I thought maybe it is because I am so tired. The second day I tried to pray and I couldn’t pray. It was like I was just speaking in the air to myself or like my words were coming back to me. So I said, “O.K. Maybe I will pray later in the night when I come back.” I went to the conference, came back in the night and tried to pray, I couldn’t pray. Next morning, very early before morning I got up, got before the Lord, tried to worship, tried to pray, tried to do everything I normally do to come into the presence of the Lord and I couldn’t. And I began to cry and I said, “Lord, what have I done to close me out?” and the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said “It’s not about you.” He said “The city; there are layers and layers and layers of darkness over this city over the land and it’s because of that, that you cannot break through.” I said “But Lord, what do I do?” And He said “Pray through, pray through. I am looking for a man who will stand in the gap for this land that I may not destroy it.” And I didn’t understand, so I told my roommate who was a Kenyan pastor. We started praying and praying and praying. I left Chicago and came to Oklahoma and then as I was praying one morning around 5am I saw a vision. This is what I saw in the vision:

I saw before me a pillar, a white clay pillar, with blue flowers around it made of china clay. It was about one meter high and on top of this was a very light plate, about this size, it was light brown in color and on top of the platter was a cake. Beautiful, beautiful round cake. It was made like a castle, so beautiful. I was looking at the cake and the pillar and admiring it all and then it began to move away from me. The farther it went the larger it became and the pillar changed from a pillar into a hill like a very high hill. The plate disappeared and the cake became a city on top of a hill and there was a great light coming out of this city. Very bright and beautiful. And as I looked at it I marveled at the beauty. And then a voice spoke to me from behind and said ‘This is the destiny of America, a city on a hill to give forth light to the nations and to proclaim the name of the Lord.’ It was like, Oh my God, Oh my God. It was so glorious it was nothing I can compare within the natural. It was so beautiful so glorious. And after a pause the voice said, “But America has turned away from her destiny, America has rejected her destiny.” And as I was watching it began to come back, come back and again turned into a pillar, into a plate and into a cake. By this time I focused on the pillar and I saw cracks in the pillar. And as I watched the cracks began to get bigger and bigger and my heart was gripped with panic. I don’t know why but I was really gripped with a real fear and I began to say “Oh no, it’s going to break, it’s going to break and the word just went through my heart that says “When the foundations have been broken what should the righteous do?” I had no answer. It was continuing and there was a very slight tremor going through and the pillar was shaking and the cracks were increasing and I was shouting “No, it’s going to break!” And it broke. When it broke it fell down and the plate broke into two parts. One part fell this way, one part fell that way and the cake fell down and broke into pieces, it was like they were small pieces and smaller pieces and then it was like powder. The light remained shining in the air for a moment and then began to die out. And it was total darkness. And the vision disappeared. I came back to myself and I saw that my whole body was trembling, tears were flowing, I was sobbing and I was wondering what was the meaning of this. A voice spoke to me and said “I am looking for a man who will stand in the gap on behalf of this land but I have found none.” It went. I prayed and I prayed and I pleaded and I pleaded and I went to bed. The next day I said, “But Lord, how can you say there is no man standing in the gap in America. This is where all the great prayer movements come from. This is where all the great preachers have been coming to the nations encouraging us. The books that we read, this is where it all comes from.” And the Spirit of the Lord said to me, “The cry of sin in the land is louder than the cry of prayer, I am looking for a people that will stand in the gap for this nation, to cry out.”

When I was in Oklahoma I was speaking to some churches as they would open up. I stayed there for about three weeks. I didn’t know how to pray sincerely. There were nights I would spend the whole night on the floor. I was staying in a house in a very small room by a stable with horses. One morning the Lord showed me three things. I was crying unto the Lord saying, Please . . . how do I pray, how do I pray? He said, “Three waves of judgment are about to hit this nation. The first one is going to be a judgement against the spirit of mammon. Because money has become a god to My people and has replaced My place, I am going to bring judgement on the spirit of mammon in this land. I am going to bring a second judgment that is going to be against the pride, the pride of human achievement, the spirit of ‘I can do it, we can do it ourselves, we don’t need God’. “I am going to break the pride of human achievement until the time will come when men will know there is a higher power than themselves. The third judgment is going to come against the excesses of human liberties where men have demanded liberties beyond the boundaries of My standard. My hand is still holding back the consequences of their choices, but a day is coming when My hand shall be removed and the consequences of their choices will come like a flood upon them. Then everything they yearned for is going to bear fruit and then they will know that My standard has got life and the ways of the world are only death. The sin of this land has reached up to Me like the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah reached up to me and I have come down and I am looking for a person to stand before me, just as Abraham stood before me. I am looking for people to stand and cry out for this nation.” I was so shaken, I was not eating, my house were puzzled what to do with me. I went preaching in one of the churches and I just shared, I didn’t preach, I just shared what I was getting from the Lord, what I was hearing and even as I stood there, my whole body was trembling and as I was speaking the Spirit of the Lord just came upon me and went into deep detail, just about one judgment and what He was going to do with the money. As it continued and continued the whole congregation broke out into tears sobbing and weeping and people fell on the ground and I couldn’t preach any more so I got down on my face and began to pray. And the Lord said to me, “They are not praying in repentance, they are praying in anger. How can I touch everything they have worked for, how can I be a just God and do this to them? How can I be a loving God and do this to them, destroy everything their life is about?” And that broke me. I cried and cried and cried. I went back home, I didn’t speak to anybody went back to the room and said “Lord, is this the last word you have for this land, is there no hope for this land?” He said, “Pray for the remnant that it shall be big, if the remnant shall rise up and call upon me and live their lives before me I will have mercy on this land. I am not through with America, My best is not yet for America. I still want to raise this nation to reach its fullness of its destiny and I’ll use it for my glory if my people will stand before me and pray.”

I came back to the USA in 1999 and the Lord showed me a window in the spirit. I was praying and we were going through New England praying and he said the window of opportunity and grace has been opened over the land, pray. I spoke to people but he didn’t say to them but he said, “pray, pray that the remnant would rise up and take their position, pray that they will be people who will hear the call of the Lord to stand in the gap and take their position. And that’s what we have been doing, just praying for that. When 9/11 happened, I was here. I arrived on 9/10 and I was asking the Lord what is the key to opening up nations which seem so bound, the system is so closed we seem to be going down, down, down. Where is the hope? The word He gave me was “Speak to my people and say this is the call of the hour ”whether they will hear or not. Say to them, Thus says the Lord, “Set yourselves apart for me that I may work deeply in your lives, I will make you the people I can use to change this land.” He said, “Anywhere you go there are men and women I have been speaking to, calling them, set yourselves apart for me, and they have been procrastinating, putting it off for one reason or another, excusing themselves for one reason or another.” He said “Tell them the period of grace is running out.” Now, there are things I can’t even explain theologically but I just want to say them as I heard them. This particular time I have not come, not because of an invitation; I came because of a very direct call. It said to me, go and call out those who hear my call to be set apart and what I told you, what I‘ve shown you, share and equip.

What does it mean to pass ‘the period of grace’? The time came when no preaching, no teaching, no prophesying, no prayer could change the situation. Eli heard about his children . . . what they were doing. He said, “I hear this from all Israel.” It was not a secret, it was going out and the nation was talking about it. The morality of the children the depravity of the house of the Lord. So Eli called them, he spoke to them he preached to them. They did not change. There comes a moment when sin has gone so far no preaching changes it. We are living in these days today where men’s hearts have been hardened to the preaching of the Gospel. Even when it comes so direct that a person says “that is for me, only God can say that, that way when I am here.” And yet there is no power to change, there is no power to put a stop to the things we know are happening and say, “Lord, I turn to seek your face.” There are so many people today who hear, who read, who see and they hear that in the voice of the Lord, the preaching and the teaching and it doesn’t change them anymore. There is no power to change.

How many times today is this happening? The prophetic word comes forth so clear, so direct, we know God has spoken, only God could have said that. We hear the word and say “Sure, that’s God.” It is so sad this is where we are and yet we do not change, yet we do not have the power to let everything down and cry out like dying men, like the virgin that has lost the man of her youth. God said “Drop everything, the time has come to seek the lord until he should come and sow and rain righteousness unto us. Drop everything, be desperate, cry out.” We know all this. We quote it to one another, we encourage one another with it, we speak about it in prayer conferences and yet there is no strength. When 9/11 happened there was a little awakening and there was activity in seeking God. But soon we die down, that’s what happens. When there is no inward flame that comes alive, it’s all outward activity.

The little boy Samuel’s life was different. His whole life was lived in the presence of the Ark of the Lord. He spent his time in the presence of the Lord. Every time the scripture speaks about the depravity of the land scripture says, “But the boy Samuel grew up in the presence of the Lord. Grew up in favor before God and before men.” Every time this young man, although the environment was dirty and dark he chose to set himself apart for God. It was not easy, it would have been easier to go with peer pressure, to go with everything that was being done. The people in the temple had set an example that was so easy to go by, he did not choose to follow that example . . . he set himself apart for God.

God is patient and is willing to wait until we learn to how respond to Him right. And when Samuel responded right, the Lord spoke. What did He speak? He spoke judgment. Today’s church, especially in America, hates the word judgment, hates the word, it hates to think God has got a right to judge sin. Today we have removed that right from Him because of grace. But I want to say to you is He still a just God, if He will reward the righteous and the unrighteous the same way. If He is such a loving God, will He give the righteous and the wicked the same reward? He is a righteous God and that is His character from A to Z and it is His right to judge sin. He spoke judgment over the house of Eli, He said everything that was prophesied will happen to him and it is coming soon. And Eli knew that God had spoken to Samuel. Eli said to Samuel, “Tell me” and Samuel poured it out. What did Eli say? “He is God. Let Him do what He wants.” Beloved, when we reach the place where even when God speaks directly to us and we have no power to repent and we say “He is God.” Sure, He is a loving God, sure He is a sovereign God, let Him do what He wants at the end of the day, I know he loves me I know He can’t destroy me I am His, I am His priest.”

That’s what we are today. That’s the church we have today. A church that hears it and immediately we want to raise a defense and say “God cannot do that, He is loving, He is sovereign, He is for us, we are His people, His redeemed people, so we can go on the way we want we can allow things to fall apart.” When the foundations are being broken what should the righteous do? Should they lay back and say we know God is for us, surely no, and eventually it happened. The day came when the judgment struck. In one day the Ark of the Lord was captured in war. Eli’s two sons died in war. Israel was defeated and thousands died in war and they ran in disarray. And when the messenger came back home to Eli he said, “We have lost it and your sons are dead” and Eli said, “What about the Ark of the Lord?” And he said “It’s captured.” Eli fell backwards and broke his neck and died that very moment and his daughter-in-law heard that her husband had died and immediately she went into labor, gave birth to a son and bled to death. As she was dying she said “Call him Ichabod. The glory of God has departed from us.” But the boy Samuel, because he set himself apart, God came to him and his word began to come to Israel. Israel was filled with the Word of God and God moved again in the land of Israel. Beloved, I come to you in humility but I come as a messenger of the Lord and this is the message I bring to you. No amount of prayer is going to change America until we set ourselves apart for Him.

A lot of prayer is going out from this nation unto the heavens from the mind-set of the land, from the opinions of the land. The land has come so far away from God. The church has moved goalposts every now and then and most people are praying with genuine hearts and willing hearts, they really want to see God move. But they are unaware that a lot of the attitudes with which they approach God come from the system and come from the land, the understanding of the mind of the man. If God were to honor prayer and give revival in His fullness and pour out His spirit, He would be conforming the wrong attitudes, the wrong notions and values that have been adopted in this land. He would be denying His standard just as many have denied that standard of His Word. If He were to pour out His Spirit in this land today he would be saying “It’s O.K., I can lower My levels to what you have chosen to go with.” Because He is a loving God He will not do that. He’s not calling for more prayer, more prayer. God is calling for a people who will step out and say “Lord, I choose your way from the ways of America, I choose your standards from the standards we have laid, I choose to go back and rediscover the will of God according to the Word of God and this is what God is calling.” And the Lord is saying “If you begin to seek you will be amazed how far the ways of men are from the ways of the Lord.” And how willing and yearning He is to pour out His Spirit if only He would find a people that would set themselves apart; not only to pray, not only to fast, but to go back and rebuild the wall of the Lord. He said, “I am looking for a man who would rebuild the wall and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land.” This is two different things, one is to rebuild the wall. What is the wall? When a city has its walls broken down there are no standards. Anything goes, anything can come in anything can go out. There is no break, there is no sifting, there is no saying “That can’t go, anything goes.”

Beloved, there are words God has given to us in the Bible that says “If you will do this, this will not come upon you. If you will do this I will fulfill that. You don’t even have to ask me. Just keep the wall of my Word around your life. I will be true to my Word.”

The Word says in Ecclesiastes chapter 10, verse 8: “When a man breaks down his wall he shall be bitten by a serpent.” That’s the Word of God. When you break down your wall you will be bitten by a serpent. And if you break down the wall of My Word, the wall of My standards and you choose to choose your own right and wrong, then you have your own responsibility to keep your own security and your own safety. But if you want me to take care of it, it must be on My standards. Beloved this is the call of the Lord. This is what I carry as a message and as a messenger of the Lord.

The politics we are experiencing today, the Middle East and everything, is nothing else but the God of Heaven and earth has put the biggest superpower and the nation of Israel in the arena and is saying to the nations of the world, “Watch what I am doing.” God is saying to the nation of America, “Choose. I can use you in revival, I can use you in judgment, whichever way I will fulfill my purposes to the nations.” This is the call. Will you consider what it means to be set apart unto the Lord, what it means to break away from the system, what it means to reject the standards of the land, to choose the standards of the Lord? What it means to empty ourselves and die to everything we think we are and to take on the identity that God has called us unto? May God help us.

48 posted on 07/25/2007 6:45:14 PM PDT by Joya
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Having been awakened during the fourth watch of the night, the Lord spoke the following to me. If you have received a similar word or have confirmation I’d appreciate knowing.



Many are the words I’ve spoken to you in the past; many will be the words in the future. But hear and proclaim this: I, the Lord, am now going forth, walking the earth. I am looking for those who sigh and groan and weep for Jerusalem, for My people and for righteousness on the earth. I am not delegating this work to the angels. I am personally visiting those who mourn for justice and for My righteousness in the affairs of men. I am visiting individuals who know the season and understand the times.

Many are My people, both Jew and Gentile. But many do not know the season. They are ignorant. But those who do know, who are aware, I will give even greater discernment. I will bind you together with spiritual cords that you may know each other. This is a time to connect with each other, with like-minded people, people who are spiritual sons of Isaacar.

Do not consider the days as few in number. This visitation will be a quick work. Each will know when I visit them for their hearts will burn with white-hot zeal for My word and purposes. Earthly concerns will become secondary, priorities and schedules changed. Trust will increase and insight gained. You will not ask what to do; you will know what to do. The one who hesitates and does not act will loose My gift of zeal and I will no longer be able to use them for My great and mighty exploits. Watch and see.

My army will arise and march forth in unexpected ways using methods unknown in the past and by the enemy. I am about to do a new thing with those of My people who are watching, waiting and groaning for the redemption of Israel and for righteousness and justice. Watch and see. But let your watching be active for you must gird up your loins for battle, for warfare, for rest and peace. Yes, you will experience all four at the same time. Those who know the times have already been trained to rest while warring, to have peace in the midst of a battle. My warriors not only have weapons that are not carnal, they have abilities that cannot be replicated by Satan. While his people are in frenzy, Mine sleep in peace. Mine walk in calm deliberateness. Mine go forward with and without the understanding of those around them.

Print this out. Publish it abroad. Tell My people to get ready for their own personal visitation. It is not too late for some to become a son of Isaachar. But some will have to scramble to be included by throwing off the spiritual laziness and narrow vision of the past. All must count the cost. The choice is simple: be useful to Me or suffer the physical fate of the world, having only the hope of eternity with Me. You say, “That’s not much of a choice.” It has always been this way. Sell out to Me or just get through life. I’m not talking about eternity here; I’m talking about the choice to make your life count - or not.


49 posted on 07/27/2007 7:13:37 PM PDT by Joya
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