This is a good one!
1 posted on
07/08/2007 9:30:07 AM PDT by
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To: Afronaut
2 posted on
07/08/2007 9:30:54 AM PDT by
(Press 2 for English - Thanks Mr. President !)
To: Afronaut
3 posted on
07/08/2007 9:31:46 AM PDT by
(Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit)
To: Afronaut
it’s okay al, global warming kept the stands empty.
4 posted on
07/08/2007 9:32:30 AM PDT by
(God Bless Our Men and Women in Uniform, Our Heroes.)
To: Afronaut
I thought it was your turn to be on top...
12 posted on
07/08/2007 9:36:21 AM PDT by
To: Afronaut
“Leonardo, you’re the coolest.”
13 posted on
07/08/2007 9:36:45 AM PDT by
Big Guy and Rusty 99
("A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master, and deserves one" - Hamilton)
To: Afronaut
It's your turn to work the pole.
15 posted on
07/08/2007 9:38:04 AM PDT by
(The issue of whether cheap labor makes America great should have been settled by the Civil War.)
To: Afronaut
what if they held a global warming rally and nobody showed?
To: Afronaut
Al Gore prepares to pole dance for the crowd.
To: Afronaut
So Al, if you fell off this stage and there was nobody around to hear you, would you make any noise?
To: Afronaut
DeiCap: “ Don’t worry Al, A few more cheese burgers and you can fill the house all by yourself.”
25 posted on
07/08/2007 9:52:29 AM PDT by
F.J. Mitchell
(Give Libby , our persecuted GI's and Border Patrol Agents, all a full pardon, NOW, Mr President!!!)
To: Afronaut
To: Afronaut
Leonardo Dicaprio: "I'm Leonardo Dicaprio."
Al Gore: "I'm Al Gore. What. Not everything I say has to be a joke."
To: Afronaut
(From the loudspeaker)
Joel Rifkin, would you please pick up the white courtesy phone....
To: Afronaut
To: Afronaut
35 posted on
07/08/2007 10:09:46 AM PDT by
To: Afronaut
Looks to me like the only attending were the world’s biggest dumba$$es.
They could have saved the gas by staying home, tending their gardens, planting trees, and not creating mounds of waste for disposal.
Algore is a criminal and the worlds biggest scam artist.
It is embarassing to look at these LIVE Earth threads.
37 posted on
07/08/2007 10:11:25 AM PDT by
(Pissed off, ticked off, put off, J***ed off, Chert off, you know what I mean!)
To: Afronaut
There once was a star, Leonardo
With good looks but the brains of a 'tard-o
He sure thinks he's all that
But he's just a moonbat
Hanging out with Al-Gore-tub-o-lardo
38 posted on
07/08/2007 10:11:31 AM PDT by
(Implement the FairTax and be free and prosperous, or stick with the's up to you...)
To: Afronaut
Aaaawwww c'mon Al. Show me the love.
39 posted on
07/08/2007 10:13:37 AM PDT by
(Dealing with politicians IS the War On Terror!)
To: Afronaut
Looks like Al is wearing an industrial strength girdle.
40 posted on
07/08/2007 10:16:57 AM PDT by
("The hardest thing in the world to understand is income tax." - Albert Einstein)
To: Afronaut
Global Warming hysteria just doesn’t seem like its rooted in reality for most folk. Anyway, it was bad timing for the Al Gore and his crowd to schedule Live Earth on Transformers opening weekend.
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