Struck a nerve?
Liberal sexual hangups are behind the hysteria for atheistic Darwinism. There are only a few things that get liberal secular humanists that worked up. They had to get rid of Christianity to pave the way for their Brave New World and they saw the Monkey Bones silliness as the way to do it.Struck a nerve?No normal person spends that much time brooding over and inventing fantasy graphs of Homo Erectus [sic] and Homo Habilis [sic] apemen, having tantrums with anyone who disagrees with their agenda to impose such views. The whole cult of "primitive man" is the product of 19th-century Victorian abnormal sexual psychology. Take a look at pictures of the secular humanist nerds who dreamt it up and at their fantasy primitive apemen.
I have studied the field, and it is clear that you haven't. You are relying on invective, not scientific argument. That might play in certain venues, but it doesn't cut it in science.
If you have any serious objections to the theory of evolution, and some scientific support for those objections, now might be a good time to post them.
But, be advised: the creationist websites and the tripe they peddle are not likely to be of much use to you. They are full of misrepresentations, inaccurate quote-mines, distortions, and outright lies. They simply are not doing science!
So, if you have some specific objections to the theory of evolution, and the underlying science, lets hear them. Otherwise my previous post stands.