“There was a lot of fornicating and adultery and gay sex going on in those hotels, too. Is Mitt responsible for that?”
Good question, Saundra.
If Marriott hotels sold the fornication, adultery, or gay sex commodity for a fee — known in Nevada and elsewhere as prostitution — then, yes, I’m sure family values advocates would hold the Marriott board of directors responsible for the practice, including Mitt. (Selling porn is no different.)
Pornography is not illegal and ignorant stupid people watch that crap. Mitt Romney is not responsible for other people’s stupidity, evil-ness and poor choices.
For example, I believe Mike Tyson (the boxer) committed RAPE in a hotel room and I dare say there’s a lot of RAPE being committed in hotel rooms. Is Mitt Romney supposed to be held accountable for that? The rapist PAID for the room.