I got the impression, perhaps mistakenly, that you thought Bush was handcuffed by his religious ideals.
Apologies if I misunderstood.
I think he is more confused than handcuffed. For instance, the amnesty bill. His friendship with American hispanics in TX, and ties to Mexican elites including Jeb's wife, plus his Christian ethic of helping the downtrodden get a foot up, makes him see the illegals as the same kind of people as those he knows, and they are not. They lack the educatioin and foresight to see the need to do anything other than grab at money for simple sustenance. They see the US as one giant patron instead of that beacon to a better life as a good citizen of the US.
Even if Bush knew they were all good guys, he would still not be excused for ignoring our laws and Constitution and orderly immigration. He has failed the citizens of the US in his shortsighted outlook. To some extent, do you think he has rose colored glasses about Islam as a whole?