Odd, I keep hearing from the Right how everyone agrees with them.
Cannot see it in the polling data. Amazing how the Right simply wants to declare victory because they simply stopped the other side and go back to sleep.
Guess it is far too tough for the poor little darlin’s to actually get something done. They would actually have to get involved and fight the Left rather then just pat themselves on the back about how wonderful they all are while screaming bile at their own political allies.
CNN Poll of June 22-24 2007 1,029 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.
“As you may know, the U.S. Senate has been considering a bill to change the way the government handles the issue of illegal immigration. Based on what you have read or heard about all the proposals in the Senate immigration bill, do you favor or oppose that bill?” If oppose: “Do you oppose the Senate immigration bill MOSTLY because you think it goes too far toward helping illegal immigrants, or MOSTLY because it does not go far enough toward helping illegal immigrants?”
Favor/Goes Too Far/Doesn’t Go Far / Other / Unsure
30 28 15 4 22
Here are some other polls that give a decidedly different result
I don't see how you can say that, given that it's only been 4 days!
I'll agree with you in this sense; it would be a terrible mistake if we simply "went back to sleep". I don't see that happening. I do think that we can no longer look the other way when it comes to illegal aliens and that a lot of folks have woken up. I do think far too many Americans, even ones on the political Right, have benefited by the cheap labor of the illegals working in this country. I'll even go so far as to say I agree with some on the Left who say the illegal worker (well, they'd say undocument migrant or something!) is getting screwed by the employer.
For the good of our country, Johnnie, which I know you're very much in favor of, I think we need to stop the Social Security number theft, the drain on our hospital's emergency rooms, and the burden on our school system's unfunded education mandate. These things are very real, and a huge problems in many areas, perhaps though not where you live.
As I've stated before, I'm not opposed to a guest worker program that properly screens all foreign workers in the US to keep out the criminal and terrorist element while ensuring that the workers will pay taxes and the employers won't be able to take advantage of their help anymore than we'd want to get taken by our employers.
Before any of this happens, though, we've really got to get a handle on the border and stop such a huge flood of humanity from crossing it without any control. The terroristic threat alone should be enough to keep patriots awake at night.