Those "sweet nothings" whispered in an old man's ear are stronger than the hand that rocks the cradle in ruling the world!!!
Look what it's done to both Bushes and even a little to Reagan!!! (to say nothing of Betty Ford and Pat Nixon)
I hope both of these media whores were wearing condoms during this love fest...
Barry Goldwater didn't really change that much. What changed were Republican attitudes, and the federalization of more and more government functions that were once the exclusive province of the various states. Goldwater was, above all, an adherent to the idea that local governments are in a better position to make laws (where they are necessary) regulating human conduct than Washington. That, interestingly, was also in consonance with the Republican Party platform of those times. (A big issue in the 1960 presidential election, aside from the "missile gap" that turned out to be bogus, was JFK's call for federal aid to education. Nixon, in that election, opposed it as taking control away from local school boards. Nixon, for once, was right!)