liberal nuts ping
Nothing transparent about this. Nope.
Yeah, that’s it. Ted’s a member of the KKK!
/dripping with sarcasm folks
Are gay Stalinist child molesters behind “”
THAT’S the question...
Was this written by someone in the Bush administration?
No known KKK members were seen at the rally. The anti-undocumented-worker march organized by black activist Ted Hayes, chairman of Choose Black America, did involve some black residents, homeless people and white protestors from the Minutemen and members of the California Coalition for Immigration Reform.
The headline should have read “thugs and L.A. cops trample free speech rights”.
As for the rest - misleading headline, with the hope that no one actually reads below the second or third paragraph. Stupid editorial trick.
It's like posting a headline above a Hilary speech: Is Hilary Getting A Sex Change? Has nothing to do with the article.
Was La Raza (”The Race”) Behind the Ugly Anti-American Rally in Los Angeles?
Was Robert Sheets Byrd (D-KKK) there?
"I realize you have a permit," Commander Deputy Chief Charlie Beck told Hayes and his group through a megaphone. "I have to deny you access to the park. I do this for public safety." By that time, two lines of cops with riot helmets stood on both sides of the street to ensure protestors on either side did not breach the blockade that a line of police cars had made.
So, the anti-American pro illegal scum walk away winners. I can not believe how willingly our paid servants deny us our rights in favor of law breakers. They arrested the wrong people.
Was Bobby Byrd there?
Must have been the guy leading the rally was dressed in black face.
The other guys with the red, green and yellow bed sheets was representing some motel chain owned by one of Paris Hilton's multitude of sex partners..oops boy friends.
I believe the name of the motel chain is La Raza.
I'm glad they explained what KKK stands for. All this time I was thinking it was the Krusty Komedy Klassic.
Sure. Only KKK types could oppose Amnesty. 75% of the American public is with the KKK.
They put “KKK” in the headline to horrify everyone, but somehow “La Raza” get away with everything.
Of course, the hated KKK has to be mentioned to shed a bad light on those who are against amnesty. It’s a typical tool of the libs, since they have no real basis to their arguments.