So, being for traditional social values and against open borders (while philosophical libertarians generally tend to the opposite) makes one a "faux conservative"? What planet did you say you were from again?
Being for traditional social values doesn’t mean that its proper to use Federal power to achieve whatever legislative aims you believe are proper to enact in law.
Take abortion for instance. The Constitution doesn’t say a damn thing about it directly. A principled conservative approach to deal with the issue is to leave it to the states, as the enumerated powers of the Federal government don’t cover that issue. Same for dope. Etc. Many so-called conservatives don’t get that point. They want to use the coercive power of the Federal government to get their way on a national basis. Myself, while I am neither pro-abortion nor pro-dope, could be quite content for states to have their own policies that vary from state to state. Flame on.