That's an easy one.
This is all about the North American Union. The NAU is being done in steps and slow stages so that we're like lobsters as the temperature is raised.
First came NAFTA.
Then we were going to allow their trucks free access to all American roads.
Then there was a blurb the other night that we're going to provide medical services to those hurt on the border or some such.
Then now we're going to provide their planes free access to American air space.
There's also a little blurb in the current "Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill" that FAST-TRACKS the NAU.
Then there's this border bill.
It's all about erasing any national borders on the North American continent without us pesky voters getting in the way.
That's the reason. Bet on it.
NAFTA isn’t working out the way they had it planned. This is another Mexican bailout, in a different form.