Thats complete bunk.
Wow. Sorry for me posting a news story. The article is talking about companies from those nations (course I imagine a good 'conservative' such as yourself will limit who companies should trade with eh?). I should have just asked Dave. I mean Dave knows more than fact
The United States has spent Billions (about 5 billoin so far) rebuilding Iraq.
Um yeah. Right. About 4 years ago perhaps. From last year
Iraq's deputy finance minister, Kamal Field al-Basri, said it was "reasonable" for the United States to sharply cut back its reconstruction efforts after spending about $21 billion.So 21 billion last year Dave. But heck it's just taxpayer money, let's throw some more at 'em eh? Not to mention the $12 billion 'lost. So that's up to over $30 billion in 'rebuilding' costs Dave. How much more should we waste on unconstitutional ventures?
So tell me, are you upset that the Iraqis are exercising their sovereignty that we supposedly 'gave' them or is it that they're not trading with our nation as if they owe us something?
So tell me something, would you open a business there?
Would you invest in a place where your personnel can be kidnapped and murdered?
“How much more should we waste on unconstitutional ventures?”
Every bit of our venture was voted on and approved by
We dam sure shouldn't give it away to the communists.
While I believe in the principals put forth by Hayek
I don't believe he had a state run communist enterprise
that is arming our enemy's and posing a threat to the world
in mind.
And I see you don't mind the Chinese taking over where they
left off during the oil for food scandal.
Where does it end?
Were letting the Chinese first poison our pets now us,
sell adulated food and medical supplies, latex gloves for surgery
with holes in them, sell weapons to murder our soldiers,
undermine our economy, commit economic espionage on our
industry, etc, etc.
And you think this is what a free market is about.